World of plants

Bright colours and lush green plants make peo­ple hap­py at work. With the plant el­e­ments de­signed for the USM Haller sys­tem, you can eas­i­ly in­te­grate lush green­ery into your of­fice. Cre­ate pri­va­cy be­tween work­sta­tions, green up stor­age ar­eas and op­ti­mise the of­fice at­mos­phere.

A system for plants

USM now offers plant lovers and those who want to become one an elegant and simple system to transform your office into a green haven. The organic shapes of the plants form a warm contrast to the linear structure of the metal elements. They create welcoming meeting zones, provide more privacy in open-plan offices and coworking areas, and create rest areas to recharge your batteries.

Think outside the box!
Let us inspire you. Discover how creative minds around the world use USM to create highly individualised solutions that don’t always fit into conventional furniture types.