Re­think­ing or­gan­i­sa­tion

Sus­tain­able stor­age space ful­fils sev­er­al func­tions. De­sign lock­ers as bench­es and turn the cen­tral doc­u­ment stor­age area into a green is­land. From mo­bile pedestals to shelv­ing with in­te­grat­ed screens and mod­u­lar tech­nol­o­gy zones, USM can ac­com­mo­date any idea.

Adaptable organisation and multifunctional storage

For employees’ personal belongings, choose app-controlled lockers or mobile pedestals, designed as inviting benches. The central document storage area, adorned with lush plants, can also be used to break up open-plan spaces and act as a meeting point during coffee breaks.

USM Haller structures can also hide unsightly technical areas. You can design multifunctional printer stands with storage space for small supplies. You can integrate TV and presentation screens or even a seating area into the shelving of your library. With its wide range of sizes, accessories and timeless colours, the modular furniture system provides a stylish and sustainable solution for any location.

Existing furniture can be easily updated at any time, or completely transformed technically, functionally or with new colours. 

Think outside the box!
Let us inspire you. Discover how creative minds around the world use USM to create highly individualised solutions that don’t always fit into conventional furniture types.